Energy and Technology Facility Management: Operation & Maintenance

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L’Operosa S.p.A. is a one-stop partner for the management of all building plants: whether mechanical (thermal, air, plumbing and climate control), electrical (low voltage and medium voltage) or special (fire prevention, closed circuit TV, access monitoring).

Integrated facility management of business technologies allows for gains in efficiency, cost-effectiveness, safety and comfort.

Who is the service for?

The Energy and Technology Facility Management service is for organisations and companies that manage complex facilities and want to optimise their energy consumption and keep the technologies in their buildings in perfect working order.

These include large industrial plants and public entities that want to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs, as well as owners of commercial buildings that intend cutting down on operating costs and increasing the comfort of the occupants.

The benefits of the service

The integrated management of plants makes it possible to have an overall vision of the conditions of a facility’s plants. This makes it possible to device a maintenance plan to ensure that plants work properly and efficiently.

So, the Energy and Technology Facility Management service helps companies and organisations to monitor, control and optimise the use of energy, and also efficiently manage their technologies and infrastructures. A careful management of plants can therefore contribute to cutting costs, improving operating efficiency and promoting sustainable practices.

Energy and Technology Facility Management: Operation & Maintenance

La Divisione Hard Facility Management & Energy Service gestisce tutti i servizi che assicurano il corretto funzionamento degli edifici e degli impianti, con interventi di manutenzione volti a garantire l’ottimizzazione dei costi e dei consumi.

Preventive maintenance

This involves planning routine maintenance to check the conditions of plants and replace any worn or faulty components before problems occur.

Corrective maintenance

Damaged components are repaired or replaced, to restore plants to good working order.

Predictive maintenance

Through specific instruments, such as sensors and data analysis, the likelihood of failure is detected before it occurs.

Related services

Through the Hard Facility Management Division, L’Operosa S.p.A. is committed to promoting innovative, sustainable energy solutions to reduce environmental impact.

Relamping is the ideal solution for a more ecological approach. L’Operosa S.p.A. carries out energy efficiency activities, replacing traditional lamps with LED lighting.

L’Operosa S.p.A., through the Hard Facility Management & Energy Service Division, oversees the concept and implementation of mechanical, technological and electrical plants.

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WHISTLEBLOWING (Decreto Legislativo 24/23)

In conformità al Decreto Legislativo 24/23, che è entrato in vigore di recente e che ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza, la responsabilità e la tutela dei whistleblower, ovvero coloro che denunciano attività illegali o scorrette all’interno dell’azienda, L’OPEROSA ha attivato il canale di segnalazione interno, accessibile a tutti i dipendenti che consente di segnalare presunte violazioni o comportamenti illeciti in azienda, ed è stato progettato per garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dell’identità del segnalante, nonché dei soggetti coinvolti nella segnalazione, in caso si verifichino determinate circostanze.È importante sottolineare che L’OPEROSA si impegna a garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dei whistleblower che decidono di segnalare presunte violazioni, con misure di protezione contro eventuali ritorsioni dirette o indirette verso i segnalanti, in conformità della normativa stessa.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Italian Legislative Decree 24/23)

In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/23, which recently came into force and the purpose of which is to promote transparency, responsibility and protect whistleblowers, i.e. the people who report unlawful activities or malpractices within a company, L’OPEROSA has set up an internal reporting channel, accessible to all employees, which allows them to report alleged breaches or unlawful conduct in the company, and which has been designed to protect the identity of the whistleblower and all people involved in the whistleblowing report, if certain circumstances occur. It is important to note that L’OPEROSA guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers who decide to report alleged breaches, through measures that protect them from any direct or indirect retaliation, in compliance with the Decree.