ESG Sustainability

Our commitment

We combine what’s useful with what’s sustainable.
And we do it as a Benefit Company.

L’OPEROSA S.p.A. is committed to generating shared value not only for economic profit, but also for employees, clients, suppliers, the local communities where it operates and the environment. This business perspective drives the company in making decisions that consider short-term financial goals, and equally so, the long-term implications on the wellbeing of people and the planet, through the lens of sustainable development.

For L’OPEROSA, in keeping with its status as a Benefit Company, adopting ethical policies, promoting diversity and inclusion, reducing the environmental impact of its activities and actively contributing to improving the communities where it is present are all fundamentally important.

The efforts made by L’Operosa S.p.A. each day in this direction are illustrated in the Impact Report and Sustainability Reports (the latter cover the entire Group). These documents are an important tool, not only for monitoring L’OPEROSA’s impact, but also for involving its stakeholders with full transparency, making them players in the Company’s successes, and in the challenges faced in managing its activities.

Agenda 2030

In steering its choices, and seeking to continually improve its ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) performance, the Company is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations. These goals provide clear and measurable parameters in order to promote sustainable development by 2030 at a social, economic and environmental level, encouraging young people, businesses, society and citizens alike to commit to them.

In this context, L’Operosa is aware of its role and contributes to achieving the following goals in particular:

  • Obtaining ISO 30415:2021 – Diversity & Inclusion certification of the company’s commitment to promoting an inclusive culture, that respects diversity.
  • UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification for Gender Equality, providing assurance of L’Operosa’s gender equality activities, ensuring equal opportunities for the growth and professional development of all employees.
  • Worksite assessments, in terms of energy efficiency (ESCo) to continually improve the energy efficiency of our worksites, and reduce the environmental impact.
  • Defining an Energy Team, in the context of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System, committed to optimising energy consumption and improving the company’s sustainability.
  • A more robust welfare system for employees and optimised internal communication through a dedicated platform, to provide support and benefits for our staff.
  • We maintain and develop robust relations with over 800 suppliers, to support economic growth and create shared value.
  • The digitalisation of operating processes for organisational efficiency, for a leaner and more sustainable management of business processes.
  • An improved IT infrastructure to guarantee security, reliability and conformity to cybersecurity standards
  • Obtaining ISO 14067:2018 CFP Systematic Approach certification, demonstrating our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of the products and services offered.
  • A gradual streamlining of the company fleet to make it more efficient and sustainable, contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions.

United Nations Global Compact

The Company’s commitment to sustainable growth is also reflected in its recent endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and joining Network Italia. With this initiative, L’Operosa will incorporate the ten founding principles of the UNGC into its own business strategy. These principles cover:

  • Human Rights: promoting and respecting universally recognised human rights and ensuring it is not complicit in human rights’ abuses.
  • Labour: supporting freedom of association and collective bargaining, eliminating forced labour, child labour and all forms of discrimination in employment.
  • Environment: adopting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, promoting environmental responsibility and encouraging the development of sustainable technologies.
  • Fighting corruption: fighting corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribes.

For further information about our commitment and to view our company profile on the Global Compact website.

The environment

Since 2019, the L’Operosa Group has pursued continual improvement in environmental matters, with L’Operosa S.p.A. obtaining EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registration, which completes its Environmental Management System certified to UNI EN ISO 14001.

The EMAS Statement is an important element for the correct management of L’Operosa’s environmental impacts and for compliance with the principles steering its activities, in particular the sustainability of its production processes, legal compliance and the monitoring and continual improvement of its performance.

On a practical level, these principles not only translate into a careful mapping of the issues that most affect the Company (in particular waste management, the use of sustainable products, consumption and CO2 emissions), but also into obtaining and updating various certifications, concerning its own management systems, and various services offered (for example Ecolabel for products and managed worksites).

NOTE: environmental data refer to L’Operosa S.p.A., as indicated in the 2023 Sustainability Report

Our people

Being people-centric is an ethical value underpinning L’Operosa S.p.A. and the L’Operosa Group, which has seen a robust growth in staff numbers over the years. The Group invests in the stable employment, training and professional growth of its people and their wellbeing.

Besides having management systems in place certified to ISO 45001:2018, which ensure a safe workplace for staff and associates (who receive adequate training), SA8000:2014 certification plays an important role, guaranteeing the quality of work conditions, and a healthy and inclusive environment (as reflected by certification to UNI/ PdR 125:2022 on Gender Equality and ISO 30415:2021 on diversity and inclusion principles).

Investing in the professional growth of its staff is a value that L’Operosa S.p.A. strongly believes in, aware that developing specific expertise is a fundamental part of creating a positive and motivating climate at work, where each and every employee can express their potential, contributing to the Company’s success.

NOTE: data on training and hiring refer to the Group, as indicated in the 2023 Sustainability Report.

The value chain

Supplier selection is extremely important for Group Companies, because suppliers are often seen as partners – and thanks to them, various projects can be launched and mutual economic benefits attained. Supplier relations and the values underpinning them are set out in the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which all partners of the Group must accept and comply with.

L’Operosa has put in place specific procedures and internal operating instructions – including a dedicated portal – which govern supplier relations, and in particular supplier selection and qualification, as well as document management and supplier control activities overseen by the purchasing and product quality departments.

Local Communities

The L’Operosa Group is aware of the effects of its activities on its operating context, on economic and social development and on the general wellbeing of communities and pays attention to the interests of these stakeholders in its activities.

The Group is committed to supporting social and cultural initiatives that champion people and improve quality of life, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. All initiatives are reported in the Sustainability Report.



Past editions of the Sustainability Report

L’OPEROSA SPA’s sustainability actions and goals are clearly set out in the Group’s Sustainability Report. This document not only describes the actual actions taken by the company to promote sustainability, but also its long-term strategic goals.


WHISTLEBLOWING (Decreto Legislativo 24/23)

In conformità al Decreto Legislativo 24/23, che è entrato in vigore di recente e che ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza, la responsabilità e la tutela dei whistleblower, ovvero coloro che denunciano attività illegali o scorrette all’interno dell’azienda, L’OPEROSA ha attivato il canale di segnalazione interno, accessibile a tutti i dipendenti che consente di segnalare presunte violazioni o comportamenti illeciti in azienda, ed è stato progettato per garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dell’identità del segnalante, nonché dei soggetti coinvolti nella segnalazione, in caso si verifichino determinate circostanze.È importante sottolineare che L’OPEROSA si impegna a garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dei whistleblower che decidono di segnalare presunte violazioni, con misure di protezione contro eventuali ritorsioni dirette o indirette verso i segnalanti, in conformità della normativa stessa.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Italian Legislative Decree 24/23)

In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/23, which recently came into force and the purpose of which is to promote transparency, responsibility and protect whistleblowers, i.e. the people who report unlawful activities or malpractices within a company, L’OPEROSA has set up an internal reporting channel, accessible to all employees, which allows them to report alleged breaches or unlawful conduct in the company, and which has been designed to protect the identity of the whistleblower and all people involved in the whistleblowing report, if certain circumstances occur. It is important to note that L’OPEROSA guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers who decide to report alleged breaches, through measures that protect them from any direct or indirect retaliation, in compliance with the Decree.