Concept & implementation of mechanical, technological and electrical plants

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L’Operosa S.p.A., through the Hard Facility Management & Energy Service Division, oversees the concept and implementation of mechanical, technological and electrical plants.

Activities are carried out conforming to applicable laws and standards, and in particular to UNI standards and the safety standards of Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 and Ministerial Decree 37/08.

Who is the service for?

The service is for manufacturing industries, public entities, commercial companies and residential complexes. It is for all sectors that require electrical, hydraulic, heating, ventilation and conditioning systems to be installed in their industrial, commercial and residential buildings.
The plants are optimised for the size of the structures and visitor numbers, particularly for buildings such as hospitals, schools, airports, railway stations and other places with a high footfall.

The benefits of the service

Plants are customised to optimise company processes, improving operating efficiency, as well as the comfort and safety of the building’s occupants. The design is accurate and incorporates the most advanced technologies besides helping to identify solutions that cut costs in the long term.
An adequate design of mechanical, technological and electrical plants, that takes account of maintenance needs, makes routine maintenance easier and reduces plant downtimes.
As for sustainability, the choice of systems designed to reduce energy consumption and limit environmental impact aligns the company or organisation with environmental standards, enhancing its reputation and public image.

The design stage of mechanical, technological and electrical plants

For L’Operosa S.p.A’s Hard Facility Management & Energy Service Division, everything starts with a good design. To operate effectively, each plant must in fact be studied, paying the utmost attention right down to the last detail.

So design is a crucial stage of activities, with a decisive impact on the next steps, such as construction and maintenance.

Related services

Through the Hard Facility Management Division, L’Operosa S.p.A. is committed to promoting innovative, sustainable energy solutions to reduce environmental impact.

Relamping is the ideal solution for a more ecological approach. L’Operosa S.p.A. carries out energy efficiency activities, replacing traditional lamps with LED lighting.

With its revamping service, L’Operosa S.p.A. designs energy and regulatory upgrading works.

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WHISTLEBLOWING (Decreto Legislativo 24/23)

In conformità al Decreto Legislativo 24/23, che è entrato in vigore di recente e che ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza, la responsabilità e la tutela dei whistleblower, ovvero coloro che denunciano attività illegali o scorrette all’interno dell’azienda, L’OPEROSA ha attivato il canale di segnalazione interno, accessibile a tutti i dipendenti che consente di segnalare presunte violazioni o comportamenti illeciti in azienda, ed è stato progettato per garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dell’identità del segnalante, nonché dei soggetti coinvolti nella segnalazione, in caso si verifichino determinate circostanze.È importante sottolineare che L’OPEROSA si impegna a garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dei whistleblower che decidono di segnalare presunte violazioni, con misure di protezione contro eventuali ritorsioni dirette o indirette verso i segnalanti, in conformità della normativa stessa.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Italian Legislative Decree 24/23)

In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/23, which recently came into force and the purpose of which is to promote transparency, responsibility and protect whistleblowers, i.e. the people who report unlawful activities or malpractices within a company, L’OPEROSA has set up an internal reporting channel, accessible to all employees, which allows them to report alleged breaches or unlawful conduct in the company, and which has been designed to protect the identity of the whistleblower and all people involved in the whistleblowing report, if certain circumstances occur. It is important to note that L’OPEROSA guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers who decide to report alleged breaches, through measures that protect them from any direct or indirect retaliation, in compliance with the Decree.