Healthcare Facility and Hospital Sanitisation

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There are two priority goals:
obtaining the highest standards of hygiene and guaranteeing a better quality of life for patients, hospital staff and visitors.

L’Operosa S.p.A. deals with healthcare facility and hospital sanitisation, focussing on consolidated procedures, continual training for operators and testing out increasingly efficient and less invasive methodologies.

Who is the service for?

L’Operosa S.p.A. designs its sanitisation services for places where hygiene and disinfection are crucial: public hospitals, private clinics, treatment facilities, nursing homes, medical centres and dental practices. In these places, it is fundamental to avoid the spread of disease and infection among patients, operators and visitors.

The healthcare facility and hospital sanitisation service supplied by L’Operosa S.p.A. has clearly defined procedures performed by specialist staff. Areas and medical equipment are cleaned and disinfected according to the highest standards of safety and hygiene.

The benefits of the service

The purpose of thorough healthcare facility and hospital sanitisation is to protect the health of patients, especially those who are more vulnerable.

A healthy environment also reduces the risk of transmitting infections among staff and improves workplace safety.

In health emergency situations or pandemics, sanitisation is fundamental to control the spread of infectious diseases, thus protecting the entire community.

Healthcare facility and hospital sanitisation protects patients and operators.

Our cleaning service for hospitals and healthcare facilities provides an all-round approach to hygiene management. Our definition of “cleaning” includes a set of procedures designed to eliminate every single trace of waste, dust and dirt, with the aim of significantly improving the quality of life of patients and minimising the risk of the spread of pathogenic micro-organisms.

Our method focuses on the importance of optimally performing cleaning, disinfection and sanitisation. We adapt our services to meet the specific needs of each environment, considering optimal standards based on intended use, such as the need for sterile conditions in an operating theatre or the sanitisation of a hospital room.

We also recognise the importance of performing cleaning activities to a schedule, to minimise any hindrance. This is why we think a proper service schedule is fundamental to guarantee normal hospital activities, without hindrance.

Related services

A comfortable, healthy and clean environment: just how a workplace, meeting place or public or private commercial space should be.

Operosa S.p.A. specialises in offering green maintenance services to both private and public clients.

L’Operosa S.p.A. has made a name for itself in its comprehensive range of specialist services, which include call centre, gatehouse, storage, custodian, reception and switchboard services, guaranteeing an optimal reception and security in various company contexts.

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WHISTLEBLOWING (Decreto Legislativo 24/23)

In conformità al Decreto Legislativo 24/23, che è entrato in vigore di recente e che ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza, la responsabilità e la tutela dei whistleblower, ovvero coloro che denunciano attività illegali o scorrette all’interno dell’azienda, L’OPEROSA ha attivato il canale di segnalazione interno, accessibile a tutti i dipendenti che consente di segnalare presunte violazioni o comportamenti illeciti in azienda, ed è stato progettato per garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dell’identità del segnalante, nonché dei soggetti coinvolti nella segnalazione, in caso si verifichino determinate circostanze.È importante sottolineare che L’OPEROSA si impegna a garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dei whistleblower che decidono di segnalare presunte violazioni, con misure di protezione contro eventuali ritorsioni dirette o indirette verso i segnalanti, in conformità della normativa stessa.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Italian Legislative Decree 24/23)

In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/23, which recently came into force and the purpose of which is to promote transparency, responsibility and protect whistleblowers, i.e. the people who report unlawful activities or malpractices within a company, L’OPEROSA has set up an internal reporting channel, accessible to all employees, which allows them to report alleged breaches or unlawful conduct in the company, and which has been designed to protect the identity of the whistleblower and all people involved in the whistleblowing report, if certain circumstances occur. It is important to note that L’OPEROSA guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers who decide to report alleged breaches, through measures that protect them from any direct or indirect retaliation, in compliance with the Decree.