Social accountability

L’Operosa is committed to endorsing a corporate culture based on respect for human rights, adopting a social accountability policy with the following fundamental principles:

Respect for Human Rights

We ensure respect for fundamental human rights for all our employees, extending our social accountability commitment to all stakeholders involved in our activities.

We condemn all forms of discrimination and harassment.

We respect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.

Work Conditions

We run continual training programmes on safety for all our employees, ensuring they are informed and trained appropriately to prevent and manage risks in the workplace.

Responsibility in the Supply Chain

Suppliers are selected based on their commitment to social accountability, promoting ethical practices.

Social Performance Team (SPT)

In compliance with the requirements of SA8000, L’Operosa S.p.A. has set up a Social Performance Team (SPT), with a balanced mix of representatives from staff and management, with the following responsibilities:

  • Conducting a periodic risk assessment to identify and prioritise areas not conforming to the standard.
  • Making suggestions to Management to deal with the risks identified.
  • Monitoring and controlling planned actions, as well as the effectiveness of procedures to meet the organisation’s policies and the requirements of the standard.
  • Involving internal areas to examine, define and solve any nonconformities.
Continual Training

L’Operosa S.p.A. is committed to the continual training of its employees on the SA8000 standard, guaranteeing that they are all informed and aware of the company’s social accountability practices and policies.

Implementation and Reporting

We welcome feedback from employees, clients and other stakeholders, to continually improve our social accountability practices and policies:

The Sustainability Policy

A steady commitment to a sustainable future, driven by ESG principles, inclusivity and equal opportunities.

Environmental policy

For environmental protection through concrete, transparent actions.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Decreto Legislativo 24/23)

In conformità al Decreto Legislativo 24/23, che è entrato in vigore di recente e che ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza, la responsabilità e la tutela dei whistleblower, ovvero coloro che denunciano attività illegali o scorrette all’interno dell’azienda, L’OPEROSA ha attivato il canale di segnalazione interno, accessibile a tutti i dipendenti che consente di segnalare presunte violazioni o comportamenti illeciti in azienda, ed è stato progettato per garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dell’identità del segnalante, nonché dei soggetti coinvolti nella segnalazione, in caso si verifichino determinate circostanze.È importante sottolineare che L’OPEROSA si impegna a garantire la riservatezza e la protezione dei whistleblower che decidono di segnalare presunte violazioni, con misure di protezione contro eventuali ritorsioni dirette o indirette verso i segnalanti, in conformità della normativa stessa.

WHISTLEBLOWING (Italian Legislative Decree 24/23)

In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/23, which recently came into force and the purpose of which is to promote transparency, responsibility and protect whistleblowers, i.e. the people who report unlawful activities or malpractices within a company, L’OPEROSA has set up an internal reporting channel, accessible to all employees, which allows them to report alleged breaches or unlawful conduct in the company, and which has been designed to protect the identity of the whistleblower and all people involved in the whistleblowing report, if certain circumstances occur. It is important to note that L’OPEROSA guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers who decide to report alleged breaches, through measures that protect them from any direct or indirect retaliation, in compliance with the Decree.